Food Donations

Online Fundraisers & Food Drives

You can help our neighbors thrive by hosting an online fundraiser or food drive today! Whether you are directly collecting food or hosting an online fundraiser, all of the contributions from businesses, schools, community organizations and individuals generate thousands of meals each year!


Agriculture & Food Industry Donations

Each year neighbors are at risk of skipping 70 million meals, simply because they don’t have enough food to eat. Every food and product donation helps us get closer to meeting our strategic vision of providing enough food for every meal, every day, for every neighbor to thrive


Donations from Food Companies and Retailers

  • Make up 65% of the food Northern Illinois Food Bank distributes.
  • Keeps surplus quality food out of waste streams and landfills.
  • Provides our food insecure neighbors with nutritious food.
  • Offers tax benefits and cost savings for our donors.

Types of Donations Welcomed

  • Shelf-stable foods (retail packed and bulk)
  • Fresh produce and dairy
  • Personal care items, diapers
  • Paper products and household cleaning supplies
  • Health and beauty products
  • Household cleaning supplies
  • Agriculture produce-farm-fresh/crop proceeds

If you can donate food, please fill out the Food Industry Donation Form

Thank you for inquiring about donating food to Northern Illinois Food Bank! This form is for food industry organizations wanting to donate product. Our network relies heavily on industry donations to close the food insecurity gap in our thirteen county service area. Thank you for supporting our mission to provide the food needed for our neighbors to thrive!

If your company, organization or agribusiness is interested in donating food for our neighbors in need, please contact Lisa Mohler-Sayers by email or at (630) 443-6910 ext. 143. Food can also be donated through MealConnect.

An existing tax provision allows qualified C Corporation taxpayers (retailers, restaurants and food manufacturers) to take a charitable tax deduction for donations of fit and wholesome food to non-profit charitable organizations that serve the needy. Food donors are protected under the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act to encourage companies and donors to donate healthy food that would otherwise go to waste. This previous information should be used only as a guide. Donors are advised to consult with their tax advisor in applying the appropriate deduction.